Accommodation Types
Notice on Accommodation! UniSpain only offers accomodation services for students registered on one or more Spanish Courses. It is NOT possible to book accommodation without a Spanish Course.
At UniSpain, we offer 4 different types of accommodation: Shared apartments, Spanish host families, individual apartments, and pension/hostels- available for a minimum of 2 weeks.
For further information about the different options of accommodation, please see the links below where you also can find photos of some of the many flats and families we use. On this site you can find further information about UniSpain's accommodation service. We highly recommend that you also read some of the articles we have available on our blog about accommodation so that you can get a better understanding of what to expect.
About UniSpain's Accommodation Service
The accommodation available through UniSpain is offered in collaboration with our network of landlords, Spanish families and student organizations and is normally an independent service provided directly by UniSpain and not the school.
We are specialized in finding student accommodation and can therefore offer our housing at prices that are up to 20% lower than the prices offered directly by the private schools (most public universities do not offer pre-booked accommodation to their students).
The lower prices offered by UniSpain do not reflect that our accommodation is of a lesser quality, but that we are specialists in this area. The Spanish schools primary focus is of course the language program and they do not therefore specialise to the same degree as UniSpain in offering student accommodation.
Finding the Accommodation
When you book your accommodation in Spain through UniSpain we will narrow down the options available together with the client if they have any special requests at an early stage of the booking. You will receive your final address normally a couple of weeks before your arrival . It is our experience that there are a number of last minute changes, which is the reason why you do not receive the final address earlier.
Traditionally student accommodation can be very difficult to find and we have made a great effort to build up a good network so that we nearly always can offer our clients what they request. However, during some periods of the year there can be a very high demand for student accommodation (normally during the summer and the start of courses) and we can therefore not always fulfil the special requests of our clients.
Price Considerations
As reflected in our price policy the longer the student wishes to stay in the accommodation, the cheaper the price per month becomes. The main reason for this is that it can be very difficult to find accommodation for short-term rental. Most Spanish landlords are not interested in tenants staying for less than 3 months and we therefore have to pay a premium to be able to offer this service.
Moreover, we offer all our clients the option to choose exactly when they want to arrive and leave. As reflected in our prices, extra weeks and days are more expensive (per day) than complete months. This is again because of the complications of finding landlords who are interested in this type of (more flexible) rentals - the tradition in Spain is to rent accommodation by complete months and always following the calendar month.
Contract & Deposit
Most landlords require that the student pays a deposit that is equal to approx. one months rent. This deposit will be fully refunded if the accommodation is left in the same condition as it was upon your arrival.
In some cases it is also required that the student signs a contract specifying the terms of the rental. This is normally a simple 1-2 page document explaining the norms of the rental and the payback of the deposit.
At UniSpain we will always provide you with complete information about both the deposit required.